Tuesday, May 05, 2009

[ ISM-5/2/09 ] Sales Report

I have not really considered blogging about my experiences, and becoming a known commodity in my (hobby) field!

#2: Necklace*. SOLD.

*this is my own design.

#5: Earrings. SOLD.

#9: Pendant. SOLD.

I am so grateful that this worked for me getting in here.

Early this morning before start to a busy day at work, I just prompted to post in "Sales Report" and wanted to share my happiness. Your orders coming from Germany for #2, Brazil for #5 and USA for #9 will be on the way shortly.

To be honest, I wouldn't suppose to make my very first Market Sales here in such a short time. I am super surprised by all these 3-sales! Can you see my hands are doing their Happy Dance:)

again and again for your interest!

You will be lucky to make your shopping until 16th May -the second ISM.

(Click here) These 8-items are still in showcase for your interest.


#7: Pendant. SOLD.
Thanks a lot, Germany.
For the 2nd time, great:)


  1. Congrats Nihal !! I couln't even have the chance to come back and see them again and they are sold...I think this is a start to many great things to come..hugs....M

  2. @ Maryam: Thanks a lot, my dear.. Oh yes, I am overly fond of this small amount of sales:) In fact, I was not extremely assertive about selling here (vs many e-trade websites).
    Who knows my baby steps can do a giant step in the future, I'll see.
    *Perfect* for this chilly, rainy day here:)

  3. Business goes very good, hahaha, a new career?

  4. That is fantastic idea, Nihal-san!!! I love it! Maybe I can do the same thing with my own blog alongside with my online store. Who knows? I'll check into that. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Nihal, I'm very glad for your sales. It's a satisfaction, isn't it? The third item is so nice!

  6. Grazie Nicole mi va abbastanza bene, miei amici hanno visitato Istanbul, la Turchia l'hanno trovata calda ed accogliente come l'hai descritta, non seguo molto RAI-uno però internet mi ha aiutato molto a conoscere il tuo meraviglioso paese seppur virtualmente,è stato un vero piacere conoscerti, sono sicuro che quando aprirai la porta di Torino troverai tanti amici :-)...a presto spero....
    ps Torino è la mia città di adozione.

  7. @ Dick: Only 3-items sold by today. Early to start a business over here but I liked the result of my very first action. To me, the blogosphere can be a powerful marketing channel, true. Time will tell me which way I drive:)
