Sunday, May 10, 2009

Never Think in Black!

What's the sweeter side of life?
What's the first strain in a sunrise symphony?
What's the compassion and love?
t's a fire to warm our hearts?

Who says I will never forget you?
Who's the tiny young girl with a pompom?
What's the simple joy found growing in our parks?
What's a piece of art on the skies...
... for a few short days in May!
This was the Spring Fashion Show by the Mother Nature in the nearest park that is close to my home. Tell me, how did you like PinQuestanbul*?

(*) My new hobby is making up words:)

A lot of gorgeous pink to go around in the town recently as you see. My heart was extremely happy when capturing these treasured pink ornaments we often forget:)

If all knowledge is connected to all other knowledge, the fun is in making the connections. So make your best and sweet smelling connection with right here: Flowers from Today Sunday, or click over this rose that will give you a path going to charming flowers growing today in different parts of the world.


  1. Anadolu yakasinin pembe gerdanligi erguvanlarin zamani simdi...baharin mujdecisi bu cicekler ile pek bi guzel ISTANBUL..

  2. Ciao, buona domenica, sono fiori bellissimi.
    Qui a Torino poco sole, ma caldo.
    Un caro saluto dall'Italia.

  3. Lovely, I love flowers, wonderful post it makes me happy too.

  4. A really enjoyable sequence of flowers images, Nihal!
    About wars, I fully agree with you. :-)

  5. Oh so well dressed in pink! Lovely collection of splendid flowers.

  6. Great shots and such a lovely post. I've got to say the magnolias are my favorite but I'm a little baised. I love magnolia blossoms. :-)

  7. Nice collection of pink flowers. Life in the garden has finally come alive again.

  8. The first pictures are wild orchids arent they? Love those, especially the impromptu ones in the forest.

  9. Beautiful variety of pink flowers.


  10. Nihal

    Wonderful post to TODAY´S FLOWERS!
    Marvelous takes and fantastic colors.
    I´m inviting you to be our "Guest Friend"!
    If you want of course.
    Send me some photos to be posted in TODAYS FLOWERS!
    There are dates in July as 26th.
    My e-mail is
    Thanks for visiting my blog!


  11. how i love your entry, i love pink flowers. great entry for this theme. happy weekdays.really it makes my heart happy looking at your entries. thanks for sharing.

  12. awesome flowers!!! i love them all, very pretty flowers. how i love someone would send me that kind of flowers.

  13. Now, you must know how much I loved this. Wonderful pinks in nature's beauty.

    Thank you for sharing your smiles.

  14. Great parade of pink flowers of spring! Thanks so much for sharing them with us, Nihal-san! I'll send you a picture of a 350-year-old sakura tree in Japan!
    Look forward to it!

  15. These are really gorgeous. I love pink flowers. I enjoyed very much. Thanks.

  16. What a lovely fashion show! So beautifully portrayed.

  17. Ciao Nicole, grazie degli omaggi floreali...ti lascio con passeggiando per Torino a novembrequesto video ti mostra una parte della nostra città:-)
    Un caro saluto

  18. Nihal, thanks for showing pictures of these beautiful flowers! I wish I could smell them :)

  19. I love this overdose of pinkness...never have enough of them actually, but seriously Nihal..I wish I was there soaking thme in ;P

  20. I shared pretty pink spring lovelies from my world and received so many nice comments in return. What could it be like if you were not:) My thanks go to you..

    ::Juliana, Arija, 2SS, DFP, Tabib, Luiz, Tulip and Regina::

    @ Thyme: Yep, they're wild orchids.

    @ Incisan: No more looking fwd as its already saved in secure and safe, lol:) Reminded me when I was in Japan for a sakura time. Fantastic shot, tks so big.
