Saturday, February 14, 2009

Classically Un-classic


For every minute you spent away from your family and dear ones...

For every coffee you forgot to remove from the heat...

For every day which made you wait impatiently with love...

*Nil as seen in the photo, is a well known Turkish singer and com
poser besides her degree in Int'l Relations. I like her passion and admiration for every work she put -from advertising, authorship, fashion modelling to music. And, her beauty is another topic to talk about:)

For every excitement you got when pouring into words...

For every click that you headed to my CrossRoads:) and read something about a destination maybe you didn't come yet, but peak your interest...

*Turkey's branding works; campaign of Turkish Airlines' published in Greece.

For every try you wanted to get the best...


I can't even begin to tell you how intense this chain of love and friendship is. When you do the arithmetic, you think, it usually takes months. If you take all the minutes we spend together being connected, I mean, that's only hours of knowing you. There definitely is a good competitive nature among us that forces us to become more fruitful because we all have a seat at the same table as a part of this space.

With that in mind, go ahead, take yourself seriously and celebrate those who manage to elicit and communicate a full range of emotion, attitude, sense of humor, ideas, and skills.

I'm so happy than to have it truly said that "YOU, with whom I contacted, shared, loved and honored me."



  1. Nihal, I hope you are able to spend this St. Valentine's day among people you love there in your bright and sunny city!

  2. Happy Valentine's day and thank "you" for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Happy Valentines!

    In the last weeks I made 4 of 4:


  4. And thank you, Nihal! I dearly love your blog and feel like it keeps me connected on a "whole world basis", not just in my own little world. But speaking of "my little world" go to my blog today and peek at the "eye candy" I posted. I love to be creative and work with my hands. You will see just how tiny I can create things. Have a wonderful Valentines Day!!

  5. Dear Nihal, thanks for sharing such a beautiful thoughts, nice to have your warm touching post. :D

  6. Beautiful words. I always find something to think about when I visit your blog.

    I too enjoy the sense of community and the new friends I've make through blogging.


  7. I love the way you are always aware of the larger view, the world view, Nihal. You're all about connecting souls.

    I love your photos - the woman making a heart from her arms is so fun. I'd love to sit and sip coffee from those cups with you.

  8. Very creative place, your blog. Will certainly come often, and I wish I'd seen it before I visited Istanbul.

    Thanks for coming over to my site. Do visit again.

    In the meantime, I linked your blog on mine.

  9. Nihal, this is just beautiful. I value the connection we have made. I love thinking of you on the other side of the world. I like knowing that we share very important bond of love, honor and respect.

  10. Dear Nihal,

    I’ve discovered your blog by coincidence and loved it! I believe your posts reflect perfectly your optimistic, joyous and dynamic personality.

    Best regards from Istanbul,


  11. @ Ellie: So glad to see your stepping inside my page *welcome* Thanks for your kind note & Love to Indonesia:)

    @ Shashikiran: Many thanks for your lovely note, and "warm welcome" wishes:) Yes, I'd wish the same but better late than never as said. I, too, put yours on my blogroll buffet.

    @ Muge: How nice you found me, chére:) Another Istanbulian like me, so cool:) At first glance how perfectly and correctly you describe me; optimistic, joyous and dynamic. Am I talking too much huh;)
    Warmest welcome wishes sent on your way, looking fwd to yr future visits~
