Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Oh Oxygen!

Waking up early, and noticing that plums are in bloom!!! I couldn't resist to pick up a piece of this beauty and bring inside. Oh Mother Nature, will you forgive me...

Getting ready in a few seconds as quick as possible, and starting to walk between blocks going to the office. Blue skies smilin' at me, and make me nearly forget what's my schedule...

Ain't we lucky to be able to find some green areas in a messy city... and painted a bright and cheery yellow around us...

When I was smelling of the fresh air and breathing pure oxygen, I find myself realizing how true this is:

Oh, and we are officially ready for Spring. Beginning to believe that the entire city of Istanbul is under construction of dressing newish suits in main colors: yellow, green and blue. Very early, so early. I see one fact that's life is risky indeed. How I will complete my day today -should I stay or should I go;)

Anyone else catching Spring fever yet?


  1. Spring is in the air! My orange tree and jasmine are in bloom!

  2. That's my fav flower..though we dont have them here. Happy Spring Nihal :D

  3. I can't feel Spring here but it won't be long now before I do.
    Enjoy it.

  4. Bugun dune gore cok farkli ama... Ne kadar degisken oldu Istanbul' da havalar bu aralar oyle degil mi. What beautiful trio you did: sun, sky and fresh grass, nicely. xo

  5. Spring is an elusive thing here in Minnesota. Last night we got a blanket of new snow, about 4-5" and today it is being blown around into dancing whirlwinds around the yard. It's pretty but I am ready for some green and yellow and pink and red and blue and purple and orange and every other color that might be a flower!!!
