Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Unfettered Day

A day of snow means a day of plenty for me:

. Outside of the window -looks like a postcard...

. Freshness of a loaf of bread

. Creative expression and 3G internet

Shows, designers, brands and actress Meg Ryan's participation as honorary guest. Istanbul Fashion Week (IFW) rocks the city with fashion, and will be taking place for one week, on 3-6 feb.

. Tea

. Dreams, wishes

Europe appointed first Innovation Minister, and working on the first European innovation act. Ireland's Maire Geoghegan Quinn. When will Innovation be moving up on Turkish agenda? W h e n I'll be delighted to hear such an announce for this country and we'll embrace change creatively? Read the rest of article here

image- şebnem scheffer; turkish top model, actress, tv presenter.

. And, Vivaldi -an early taste of spring...

Unseasonal sunny days stayed one week, and nature said I'm going to snow. Again. In Istanbul:)

The speed of moving weather. Exploration. Wind. Change in the air. On the ground.
I like Istanbul.

Can you tell me what means snow to you?


  1. Snow means to me "White Christmas" and we got it this time. But to tell you the truth snow means also "enough, enough, enough" hahahaha.

  2. Very beautiful post! What great sequence of refined images, Nihal.
    For me snow means childhood and happiness, because when I was a child I was always on the ski runs and because the snows always gives me a feeling of joy.
    I'm astonished that each browser (IE7, IE8, Firefox, etc) displays the sites in its own way, in conformity with its own taste! ;-) Funny isn't it? The problems are often with margins and paddings!

  3. Wonderful post Nihal. Beautifully written and illustrated.

    Snow to me is a search. A search for a flavor. What does pure snow taste like?

    Ciao my friend. I like Istanbul too

  4. We have snow here, too. I posted pictures Monday. Your pictures are lovely.

    It's a small world, isn't it?!

  5. What a nice snow day! Time to enjoy the difference white can make on a landscape and time to do things not normally in your daily itinerary. That's what I like about snow.

  6. Ciao Nicole, bellissimo post, la neve è magica e qui a Torino ne abbiamo spesso, ti mando un caloroso saluto ed un sorriso.

  7. Hello, I am returning the compliment and calling by your blog.

    I was surprised to read you have had snow in Istanbul.

    I love snow, a walk in the countryside in snow is so peaceful and beautiful.

  8. @ Eli: Oh what a treat from my childhood, I remember very well. Tastes like ice cream that is as good as it is cold. I'd take my favorite lemon syrup, and make my lemon icecream. Any shorter way than this?;) Now I felt myself as a kid wanting snow cream:)

    @ Lindy: Not often and not long periods, but Istanbul likes to adopt itself in accordance with what season is on:) Thanks for your lovely note and looking fwd to seeing you again right here:)
