Thursday, April 29, 2010

Third Longest Span

Exciting news of the 3rd bridge to be built in the Capital of Culture...

..announced today by Minister authorities when I was on the Bosphorus Bridge (above and below), going to home from European side to the Asian.

Details about our new third baby bridge connecting between Europe and Asia are:

~cost roughly $6 billion
~plan to hold tender within one year
~completion within four or five years
~construction close to the strait's northern entrance, between the Garipçe and Poyrazköy villages
~will be the strait's longest bridge at length of 1.3kilometers
~suspension design
~will be the 9th longest suspension bridge in the world!

l A peek at the bridges cross Bosphorus Strait l

1st Bridge, the Bosphorus:

.the one (above) that I use maximum:)
.constructed btw 1970 - 73
Freeman Fox & Partners (UK)
.Longest span: 1,074 m (3,524 ft)
.suspension bridge
.carried out by Turkish firm Enka Construction Co. along with the co-contractors Cleveland Bridge & Eng. Co. (UK) and Hochtief AG (Germany)
!at present the 17th longest suspension bridge in the world.

2nd Bridge, Fatih Sultan Mehmet:

.constructed btw 1986 - 88
.designer: Freeman Fox & Partners (UK)
.Longest span: 1,090 m.
.suspension bridge
.carried out by an international consortium of three Japanese companies (inc. of IHI Corp and Mitsuhibshi Heavy Ind.), one Italian and one Turkish company (STFA)
!at present the 15th longest suspension bridge in the world.

You might be interested in seeing the list of world's longest suspension bridge spans here

1 comment:

  1. Bridges are always interesting subjects, aren't they? Very nice and detailed post, Nihal.
    I'm glad Sunday you'll be zapping channels for the Pope's visit, it's really a great event for Turin, maybe we can comment it next week.
    I wish you a beautiful weekend :-)
