Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An Incident?

I can say this hereafter:

Oh my, what a secret-less world;)

I think we are in the beginning of a new "information war" in the "information age"! WhatİKnowİsLeaks earthquake began Sunday night showed that confidential remarks, field cables, thousands of pages of data and intelligence reports can be easily made public. Easy as that?!

A sort of cake fighting for all countries at door. For what I am sure about is the diplomatic style and relationships will be influenced. Seriously. I think we are getting ready for what I might call new world order. In near term, not long. Can I expect more than it? Yes I can. Yes I do. Because it is said that there are still more documents to come, say more dirty(!) tricks on the waiting list.. We will see.

Until the day that we will see, I can't stop thinking that not they are bad guys who are behind of WikiLeaks. It is gonna be better than today. Welcome
WikiDays ahead, and wondering who said them to push the button? I wish this could be made public as well.


  1. While I welcome truth in government as elsewhere I also wonder, didn't someone STEAL this information? I don't sanction theft. It will all make for some interesting discussion tho.


  2. I predict that by 2012- after the governments and corporations get through with it, we may not be able to recognize the Internet.

  3. Nihal, as regards Italy I must say there are no sensational revelations in this information: all matters we already knew.
    Thanks for the link www.anatoliaturizm.com.tr, I'll surely enjoy the navigation there!
    Have a very pleasant Thursday evening :-)

  4. @ Darla: A U.S. soldier who served in Iraq has been charged with transferring classified data onto his personal computer. I ask you now: is it easy for a simple soldier to leak Pentagon controlled data???

    In our high-speed world, I feel that it is effortless to accepting a one-dimensional understanding of events – or worse, not even try to establish a strong understanding in the first place. So not agree with you, WL is not a theft!
